Tuesday, February 26, 2013

re-cap of Oscar 85: the opening monologue

Okay, so we've dealt with the red carpet looks--good and bad--for the most part, but I have one (maybe 2) more things to say about what happened on the carpet before we get to the ceremony:

1. How annoying was Kristin Chenoweth on the red carpet? And how she kept taking her shoes off to show how short she is compared to everyone? Okay, we get it, you're small, let's move on!
2. How cute was B Coop's mom who wore something she found in her closet and accessorized it with metallic sneakers?

Okay, now let's move on to that Opening Monologue shall we?

What a bizarre mix of trying to pay a respectful, albiet somewhat boring, homage to Hollywood singing and dancing, with extremely juvenile prejudiced remarks, a few good jokes, and a few terrible ones!

The quest to making Tommy Lee Miserable laugh? Great!

Making fun of The Academy not nominating Ben Affleck? Great!
The Jean Dujardin joke? Solid.
The Coppolla family joke? Solid!
DDL trying to free Don Cheadle on the lot? Uncomfortable.
Chris Brown and Rhianna joke? Brutal.
Mel Gibson's voicemails? Pretty good.
Jodi Foster privacy joke? Pretty good.

Acknowledging that people thought he was going to be terrible? Good move. (I also love how they referenced how good Tina and Amy were--"why can't they just host everything?")

But, the "We saw your Boobs" thing? Terrible. And others, like those at Vulture, and The New Yorker have explained why Seth MacFarlane's misogyny matters much better than I could, so I urge you to go and read those pieces--they are fantastic!

Also, I think the Will Shatner thing was a cute idea in theory, but it went on far too long. 

Then there was the dancing...which didn't make very much sense to me, or why Charlize Theron was paired with Channing Tatum, or why Harry Potter and JGL did a little soft shoe number with the host. See, these are the things that could be cut out to make the show much much shorter. Am I right?

Sock puppets re-enacting Flight? Stupid, but funny. I especially liked the shot of the socks tumbling in the dryer which I managed to take a shitty picture of on my iphone. 
But the Denzel as the Nutty Professor joke? Brutal.

Then this happened:
I don't have words.

And then the weird Disney song happened "Be our guest." Right.
Okay, so kind of a weird start. At the time, watching it at the Bloor, I thought it was pretty good, but watching it back again, I'm realizing how brutal most parts were. Maybe last night I was just shocked that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (ie: I predicted a train wreck). That, and the wine helped.

What did you think of the opening?

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