Friday, February 22, 2013

Oscar presenters...

Let's play which one of these doesn't belong...

Ben Affleck
Jennifer Aniston
Halle Berry
Sandra Bullock
Jessica Chastain
Michael Douglas
Robert Downey Jr.
Jean Dujardin
Chris Evans
Jane Fonda
Jamie Foxx
Jennifer Garner
Richard Gere
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (billed as a "special appearance")
Salma Hayek
Dustin Hoffman
Samuel L. Jackson
Norah Jones
Nicole Kidman
Queen Latifah
Jennifer Lawrence
Melissa McCarthy
Liam Neeson
Jack Nicholson
Christopher Plummer
Daniel Radcliffe (billed as a "special appearance")
Jeremy Renner
Paul Rudd
Mark Ruffalo
Octavia Spencer
Meryl Streep
Kristen Stewart
Channing Tatum (billed as a "special appearance")
Charlize Theron (billed as a "special appearance")
John Travolta
Mark Wahlberg
Kerry Washington
Reese Witherspoon
Renée Zellweger

Think about and then let's talk.

So....have you figured out the answer?

I was thinking about this very subject last night before the final list of presenters was released today for Sunday's show: why do people like JLo and Jennifer Aniston always get asked to present at the Oscars? They've never been nominated, never been in a nominated movie, and will never be nominated, so why are they among the likes of Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson?

We all know that Hollywood is a high school hierarchy--so why is JenA still so popular? I mean we could talk about the tabloid's favourite love triangle (Brange vs. Aniston) until we are blue in the face-but that doesn't explain why Aniston is invited this year--the Brange won't be attending as neither has a movie to support or promote*

Oscar viewership has been on the decline for a decade or 2, and every year, whoever the producer of the show is makes a conscious effort to make the show appeal to more young people--"let's make the Oscar's cool this year...let's have Kristen Stewart present so that all the Twihards will tune in!"

The producers' problem though is that inviting people like KStew and JLo and Aniston (and Channing Tatum and Chris Evans this year--what??) isn't going to get them significantly better ratings, despite these celeb's big fan bases. The Oscar's are too long and too boring and too serious and too self-indulgent for anyone under the age of 25 to watch (unless they are a die hard fan of Hollywood politics and/or fashion like I am). And don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some Oscars, but most people only tune in to the red carpet to see the dresses, and then probably watch only parts  of the awards while flipping channels and doing other things. Getting Jen Aniston to show up in a Marchesa gown with her faux badass fiancé and present best animated feature or some shit aint gonna change that!

Don't you think they should only get funny people and/or comedians present? Think of how good Tina Fey and Amy Poelher were at the Globes. It's always so brutal, the delivery of the scripted lines by actors, especially the ones that refuse to go to rehearsal (and you can always tell who they are). I think the only person I'm excited to see is Melissa McCarthy. Everyone else is so boring! Where are all the comedians? (Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Will Ferrell, Steve Martin etc)Those are always the best parts!

Anyway, who are you excited to see present?

*Remember when both Brad and Ang were nominated a few years back and the Oscar producer's had Aniston present an award with Jack Black while the Brange were in the first row? UH! That was gossip porn--if only they could have done a split screen! Check the video out here

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