Monday, February 25, 2013

File this under: reasons I'm obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence

I loved Silver Linings Playbook, probably more than most people (also, read the book-it's so good!) and I love Jennifer Lawrence so much. I feel like everyone loves her so much right now that there will be a backlash very soon (but I don't want to concentrate on that right now).

Let's focus on how awesome she is. Just watch this and then try and tell me that you don't love her:

This too:
Also, I LOVE the article on Vulture about how her fall is a great great Oscar moment. I agree! (And loved that both Hugh Jackman and B Coop got up to try and help her--such gentlemen!)

One last thing on JLaw: can we remind ourselves that she is 22 years old? OMG. 

Can we now pull a mean comparison to LiLo, who last year, at age 25, after the Oscars, told Matt Lauer in an interview that she wanted to be at the Oscars a year from then (which would have been last night).
See below and start at the 3:10 mark:

Um, yeah. Don't you love that out of everyone in the movie Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan is going to be the last person ever to go to the Oscars? Now who would have thought that in 2004?

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