Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Favourite moments from Oscar 85

Every show has its highs and lows, and even if most people thought Oscar 85 was bad, b/c I am such a lover of all things Oscar, I had many a moment I loved. Check it out, my top 8 fave moments (in order):

1. Ang Lee winning:
When I say that each and every time they mentioned Life of Pi last night I welled up with tears, I am not exaggerating (seriously, ask Matt who sat beside me and witnessed the misty eyes all night). I loved Life of Pi, and if you read my earlier blog posts, you'll see that it was, in my opinion, the best film of 2012. This is not the only reason I got emotional over the win. I love Ang Lee so much. He is by far one of my top 3 favourite directors, and in my opinion, the most versatile film maker of our time. Who else could make a Jane Austen period drama, a mixed martial arts epic, a love story between two gay cowboys, and the film adaptation of a magical realist novel starring only a boy and a tiger all in a period of 15 years and have them all be close to perfect? He is just phenomenal in my book, and such a humble lovely man. I loved his shout out to Taiwan and his wife of 30 years. Also, it is not very often that Best Picture and Best Director are split, but this is the second time in a matter of 7 years that this has happened to Lee (Brokeback Mountain lost to Crash in 2006). Wild! Anyway, Life of Pi is beautiful and absolutely perfect-visually, narratively, everything. See it. It will make you cry.

2. J Law's fall and her speech and general awesomeness:
I mean, only she could make something like this into a non-embarrassing moment. I love that she said the only reason they gave her a standing O, was b/c she fell. I've already posted about this, so I won't blather on, but, the fact that she took a few seconds while she was down there to be like "omg, I can't believe this is happening" is a cool way to deal with it.

3. Meryl Streep's wedgie pick and announcing of DDL's win, and DDL's comedic speech.
So, first there was that. And then we had this:
Which just makes me so happy. DDL-first man in history to win 3 best actor awards, presented to him by the world's best actress. Perfect. And a great speech too!

4. J Hud and Adele showing everyone how it's fucking done! It was like a "Hey CZJ, this is how you not lipsync!" BOOM!

5. John Travolta's insane toupee!
I mean, you've gotta be fucking kidding me right? Also, rumour has it that Travolta has a refrigerated room in his house to store his hair pieces!

6. Fat Russell Crowe singing with the cast of Les Mis (seriously, he needs to lose a good 50 pounds). (This was the best screen cap I got off my phone)

7. The family Von Trapp joke. I know it's so stupid, but come on! Christopher Plummer! Cptn. Von Trapp! How could you not love it? (I also love that he was wearing his Order of Canada pin on his tux--thanks Alex for noticing that!)


8. And last, but certainly not least: Adele's acceptance speech. Like honestly, she's the best.

What moments were your faves?

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