Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Most loathsome moments

Let's do this! I will be building on some of my brother's points about what makes the Oscars bad (2 posts below this one). He and I were talking about how absurd it is that a show that is made up entirely of professional entertainers, and meant to celebrate entertainment, is really not very entertaining at all. I mean with that much star power in one room, and decades of Oscar failures to examine and learn from, how is the show not better?

Case in point: the presenters! I mean Jim Carey (who I find embarrassingly insufferable) is one thing, but Zac Efron, Chris Evans, Jessica Biel? This is not the fucking MTV movie awards!
Why not ask Meryl? Or Michael Fassbender? Sandra Bullock? Or someone that can actually read and pronounce words?

There's a funny article over at Jezebel that Fantasy-Casts next year's presenters:

On to my other gripes:

1. So, don't get me wrong, I really like Ellen, and for the most part I thought her opening monologue was good (though the rest of the hosting from then on went downhill), but I really thought that her jab at Liza crossed the line (odd b/c Ellen never does cruel humour, and b/c I normally love shit talking jokes).
What made Amy and Tina so god damned funny at the Globes is that they reserve those mean jokes for Clooney and Leo--people who literally have the best lives ever, so you don't feel bad laughing at their expense. Making fun of Liza just makes me sad.

2. Jared Leto plugging 30 seconds to Mars. UGH. I will give him (or his publicist) some credit for improving on his speech (at least he mentioned AIDS, unlike his costar who told the world he's his own damn hero). He should have worn a formal man-bun though.

3. The fact that the director of the show never cut to the right people at the right time. When you talk about Angelina Jolie winning an honourary Oscar, cut to her-she's in the second row sitting with Brad Pitt you idiots!!!!
They at least tried to make up for it with this shot:

4. Bette Midler singing You are the Wind Beneath my Wings was horrendous and wasted time that could have been dedicated to honouring more people (especially all those that were forgotten, see here).

5. The 3 useless and completely similar montages which seemed to show only men (and 1 clip of JLaw in the Hunger Games, 1 of Sally Field in Norma Rae, and 1 of Julia Roberts in Erin Brokovich).

6.A John Travolta's wig!!!!!!!
6.B AND his made-up name for Idina Menzel: Adele Dazeem!

The good thing that came of this is that Slate has created a Travoltified Name Generator. Here's mine:

Is that why Idina's performance kinda sucked? I mean I love her (she was the original Maureen on Broadway in RENT!!!!) but she didn't sound so hot. At least Jimmy Fallon gave Idina a chance to sing on his show (with The Roots and classroom instruments!)

7. Last but not least (or maybe it is least in terms of enjoyability?) Absolutely everything to do with Matthew McConaughey--the fact that HE IS HIS OWN HERO, that he didn't mention one thing about HIV/AIDS, the people who live or who have died from the disease, the real man he played in the movie, or you know, anything of importance.

What were your most cringeworthy moments???

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