Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Favourite moments from Oscar 86

So, it's all over, and I've had time to think about it and let it all soak in. A very predictable show (I did the best I've ever done in my predictions with 22 out of 24 categories correct-I only missed the 2 shorts categories) and it was both produced and directed terribly (and was way too long like always), but I'll wait to talk about that in the next post, for I first want to discuss what my favourite parts were--there actually aren't that many!

But that's the thing about the Oscars-I look forward to them so much, it's one of my favourite days of the year, I love seeing all the movies, reading about the behind the scenes politics of it all, making my predictions, discussing it at length, but really I do realize that when it comes down to it, the Oscars  are always pretty brutal, boring, too long, irritatingly self-congratulatory, and enraging!

I know many other Oscar enthusiasts feel the same way (which makes me question why the producers can't just make a better show...) Anyway, I loved Vulture's article the other day called The Oscars will piss you off, but you'll keep watching b/c they're right. I will ALWAYS watch (I mean, I watched the opening monologue on my Mum's TV in Canada via Skype. That shit is dedication!)

With that however, on to the highlights!

1. Darlene Love belting out, acapella I might add, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" (a song I know and love from Sister Act 2!) after the documentary 20 feet from Stardom won. I mean, that was badass, and is what live shows are all about! I also want to mention that I was really glad that the Orchestra never really awkwardly played anyone off, which I think is an improvement from years past.

2. Everything single thing about Lupita Nyong'o. I mean this girl is the epitome of grace, humility, eloquence. She won the Oscars, hands down.
First of all, the dress was perfection.
Second, her dancing with Pharrell was so cute (I liked Meryl's little shimmy shake too, though Amy Adams just seemed awkward)

Third, the fact that she was legit surprised she won, is just adorable. Look at her. Look at that joy and appreciation.

Last, her speech. So well spoken and lovely. Joyous and inspirational. Exactly what an acceptance speech should be (unlike some others of the night that I will clearly get to!)

My favourite parts of her speech:
"...It doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's...Steve McQueen, you charge everything that you fashion with a breath of your own spirit. Thank you so much for putting me in this position, This has been the joy of my life. I'm certain that the dead are standing about you and watching and they're grateful and so am I...When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you're from, your dreams are valid."

3. Bill Murray's shoutout to Harold Ramis, the writer, director, actor, and Murray's former often collaborator (Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, Groundhog Day) who just passed away recently. Ramis and Murray had known each other since childhood, but got into a decades long feud after finishing Groundhog day and didn't speak until just recently when Murray reached out to Ramis before he died. Anyway, it was a touching moment, and a nice ad lib from Murray. God damn I love that man.

4. Brad Pitt handing out paper plates and pizza to the likes of Meryl Streep etc. So, the pizza bit was stupid and went on way too long, like all the audience bits did, but come on! As a dedicated Brangaloonie, I can't not be all over this! I want Brad to hand me a paper plate!

5. Cate Blanchett's telling people "woman-centred films are not niche. Audiences want to see them, and in fact, they make money." Preach woman! I've loved all her speeches this season (especially when she's mocked how ludicrous all of Matthew McConaughey's speeches have been).

6. The way the Screenplays, Director, and Best Picture awards went, i.e. to the people they should. Knowing in advance that I was going to be disappointed with some of the acting awards, it was nice that the other major prizes all went to those who were well deserving. I love Spike Jonze, and Her was such a fantastic screenplay. I also loved this tweet about his win:

I was happy with the Director/Picture split too, as it ended up awarding what I think were the 2 best films of the year (and with Her getting Best Original screenplay, awarding the other film I thought was best). No one deserved Director more than Alfonso Cuaron, who literally changed the way films were made. And I'm happy 12 years a slave won Best Picture-a very powerful and important film. If you haven't seen it, you should.

And how cute was Steve McQueen jumping up and down after winning (Lupita too)? Amazing.

What were your favourite parts of this year's show?

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