Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Favourite moments from the 88th Oscars

You know what? It's been 24 hours since the Oscars ended and I am still riding an Oscars high. That was the funnest Oscars I've seen during my adult life, and though I am under no illusion that watching that show is as fun as seeing a comedy special on HBO, I had a great time, only got angry once or twice (which if you know me is a real record) and laughed a lot! I also sobbed twice because I'm PMSing, drank a lot of red wine, and have a chemical reaction to beautiful sadness when I see the innocence of children and/or underdog narratives. (Don't ever bring up the movie Inside Out unless you want to watch me weep and console me for at least half an hour).

Usually when I meet new people, I tell them that the Oscars are my favourite day of the year. I know this is absurd, but my hobby is Hollywood, pop culture, and film. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand and appreciate the ridiculousness of the Oscars, and their unimportance in the grand scheme of things, but I also find them so immensely interesting as a cracked up showcase of everything repugnant about American culture.

This year, I sort of dreaded them. I suspect a lot of people did. As I wrote the other day, I struggled a lot with how to feel about my superfluous relationship towards the "last Sunday in February" guilty pleasure. I wasn't surprised by the lack of opportunities and/or recognition for people of colour, women, and other groups who do not make up the old, white, male Academy, but that problem, and the feeling that the problem is just the way it is, finally reached a tipping point, and shit really needed to be burned down in order to recognize how fucked up the whole thing really is.

And I think Chris Rock burned it down as best he could. Honestly, he exceeded my expectations. He was funny and made people really uncomfortable which I love. I mean, I laughed so hard the whole way through, and don't understand why most of the people in that theatre didn't just decide to have fun and roll with it. Laugh! Clap! Do it! Sigh...

Missed the monologue? Here you go!

Now, for some of my favourite moments:

1. Hands down my ab fab moment was Leslie Jones re-cast in the Revenant, "THERE ARE NO BLACK ACTRESSES IN THIS MOVIE!!!"

2. Finally seeing Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander acknowledge that they're dating. We all know it! You don't need to pretend! (Though she didn't thank him in the speech...come on!)

3. Everything to do with Jacob Tremblay. Especially his red carpet interview when he said that he was going to go to the after parties, even though his bed time is 8pm. But for reals, when these kids came on stage while I was on my 4th wine of the night, they really killed me with the feelz! This was when the water works really came pouring out. They are so lovely and precious and I love them and I'm going to cry again if I keep thinking about it.

How excited he was to see BB8, C3PO, R2D2? so fucking cute, I just can't. 

4. Tina Fey and Steve Carell, because Tina Fey is perfection, obvs:

5. This bad ass bitch, Jenny Beaven, winning Best Costume Design for Mad Max!

Oh, and see the Vine below for further proof that Iñárritu is a miserable asshole:

6. Chrissy Teigen's hand gently pushing John Legend's bum to get some Girl Scout Cookies:

7. Spotlight winning Best Picture.
I'd like to take a minute to brag: On September 26, 2015, I predicted Spotlight would win Best Picture on this very Blog stating, "Spotlight was the best movie I saw at TIFF this year (I think it's going to win Best Picture-bold statement to make in September, I know, but mark my words as an early prediction for Oscar." No Big Deal...

Why do I feel so vindicated that The Revenant didn't win Best Picture?

And Leo needs a whole post of his own, so I'll leave it at that for now...What did I miss?

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