Friday, February 26, 2016

On the Oscars, and my 2016 picks

I've been struggling with whether or not to write anything about what is usually my fave season/day this year because of how utterly gross/eye-roll-y/idiotic the Oscars are this go around. I mean, I am under no false pretence that they aren't idiotic every year, but this year is really something...

Am I surprised by any of this though? No. I didn't expect to see any people of colour in the acting noms, or women in any of the categories other than actress, because having unofficially studied the Oscars for many years, I know how fucked up the Academy is, and how the whole awards season works. When the membership of an elitist, self-congratulating, ego-crazy group of millionaires is
94% White, 76% Men, and has an Average Age of 63 Years Old, I really expect nothing. But the fact that I expect nothing is, largely, the problem. Despite being someone who tries to always think critically about privilege and discrimination, I am still used to seeing the same old (white, male) shit on movie screens and at the Dolby theatre.

The Academy, with it's statistical makeup stated above, has never wanted to recognize film that isn't white, straight, male, or traditional Oscar bait, and when they have, it's been on their own terms and housed in their own kind of white, straight, male narratives. Because it's not just the nominations that are the problem right, its the whole system, top to bottom, and bottom to top. When will there be a Best Picture nominated movie made starring a black man or woman that isn't about slavery, or the civil rights movement? (Obviously those are important stories to tell, but they shouldn't be the only stories that feature people of colour). When you don't have (m)any films that provide meaningful opportunities to people of colour or women, it will obviously be that much harder for any of those people to be recognized for their work; the work is non-existent.

The one thing I am pleasantly surprised about this year is how the conversation surrounding #OscarsSoWhite (and I recognize that issues of diversity and inclusion shouldn't be reduced to a stupid hashtag) has continued past the first news cycle of Oscar nominations being announced. That it has sparked much conversation (although some of it horribly knee-jerky and mis-guided) about the lack of inclusion and opportunity for those who aren't 63 year old white men in LA, is something to welcome. And I really can't wait to hear Chris Rock's monologue.

Anyhow, I know that I'm not really adding anything new to this conversation (and that this here little Oscar blog ain't that special) but I would really feel as though something was amiss if I went on posting about the Oscars this year without acknowledging all the horrible things about the whole shebang. Also, I want an excuse to post this John Oliver bit:

And with that my friends, Oscar weekend is upon us, we will soon no longer be subject to the embarrassing campaign of Leo and The Revenant (though I am shamefully a Leo apologist and #fangirl4life)...and so here are my final picks:

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