Sunday, September 8, 2013

TIFF Day 3: You are Here, aka: I spent $45 to see this movie, and all I got was a shitty coffee mug (and a glimpse of Amy Poehler)

One would think when you hear that Owen Wilson, Zach Galifinakas, and Amy Poehler are in a movie together written and directed by Matthew Weiner (of Mad Men), it's a pretty safe bet to be good right?


Good God this movie was awful. I should have known when neither Owen Wilson, nor Zach G showed up for the premiere that this shit was bad (although it was later revealed that Zach G's wife went into labour and that's why he wasn't there. Fair-what's the Butterscotch Stallion's excuse though?)

I seriously would have walked out of this movie if Amy Poehler wasn't there. I basically sat through it just so I could hear Amy say a few words at the Q and A (which she did, and she didn't disappoint, not like the film did)
I actually couldn't tell you what the film is about, or whether it was supposed to be funny or serious. Also, I don't know or understand anything about the characters-who they were, what they wanted, why they did anything they did. Throw in a whole whack of misogyny and some bizarre Amish symbolism, and that's what this was. 

I would try to elaborate, but I honestly don't even want to think about the movie-that's how bad it was (I also think my brother Alex is writing a post on how bad the film was, so I'll let him vent instead of me). 

So disappointing. I could tell Amy Poehler was somewhat embarrassed (or was that just me projecting?) But she was cute and funny, and that is what I'll have to take away from this experience.

I've never watched Mad Men before, and after seeing this piece of shit movie, and the way Matthew Weiner presents women, I don't think I'll be watching it anytime soon.

Oh yeah, and here is the mug I got for $45:

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